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篇名 檢測試片於長照方面之應用
卷期 214
並列篇名 Development of Diagnostic Devices Applied in Long-term Care
作者 王玟心傅筠鄭兆珉
頁次 036-046
出刊日期 201803


在人口結構快速老化的情況下,長期照顧成為現今相當重要的議題之一,但在預算及照顧服務員 (簡稱照 服員) 有限的情況下,即便中央及地方政府大力推動相關政策,能夠照顧到的對象仍遠不及所需民眾。因 此若能將檢測試片帶入長期照顧的範疇中,不僅能降低長期照顧所需的龐大經費,也能增加照服員照顧時 的便利性,使照服員能夠快速且準確的了解每個被照顧者當下的身體狀況及所需的服務與照顧。


In the rapidly aging population structure, long-term care has become one of the most important topics to date. However, with a limited budget and staff attendance, even the central and local governments are making vigorous efforts to promote relevant policies, they are still far behind the people needed. Therefore, if the test strip can be brought into the fi eld of long-term care, it not only can reduce the huge expense required for long-term care but also increase the convenience of the caretaker so that the attendant can quickly and accurately understand the current physical condition and the services required of each patient.

