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篇名 國小教師對水足跡的認知、態度及教學應用之研究
卷期 14:1
並列篇名 Cognition, Attitude, and Pedagogical Application of Water Conservation Concerns for Elementary School Teachers
作者 王文玲吳淑姿余世宗
頁次 025-035
關鍵字 水足跡認知態度教學應用問卷調查water footprintcognitionattitudepedagogical applicationquestionnaire survey method
出刊日期 201803


水是地球上最珍貴且不可取代的資源,如何有效使用、管理及保護水資源,讓水資源能永 續發展,已是未來全世界將面臨最嚴峻的課題。臺灣目前積極推行環境教育,希望藉由教育的 力量讓珍惜水資源的觀念從小紮根,建立良好正確的態度及價值觀。本研究主要目的在瞭解彰 化縣國小教師對水足跡認知、態度與教學應用之現況及其相關程度,並探討不同個人背景變項 (性別、年齡、最高學歷、學校規模、主要任教科目及任教年資)對其影響情形。研究採用問 卷調查方式進行,以彰化縣國小教師為研究對象,研究問卷共發出450份,回收有效問卷423 份,問卷回收率為94%。資料分析採用描述性統計、獨立樣本f檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe 事後比較法及Pearson積差相關等統計方法。研究結果顯示,大多數國小教師均具備水足跡之 基本認知;影響教師對水足跡認知的背景變項有年齡、主要任教科目及任教年資,年齡大於50 歲以上的教師、擔任藝術與人文科目之教師、任教年資大於20年以上的教師對水足跡認知偏 低;影響教師對水足跡態度的背景變項有年齡、主要任教科目及任教年資,年齡大於50歲以 上的教師、擔任藝術與人文科目之教師、任教年資大於20年以上的教師對水足跡態度較不優; 影響教師對水足跡教學應用的背景變項為學校規模,顯示中等班級數(13-24班)之學校的教 師,其教學應用優於任教學校規模25班以上的教師;彰化縣國小教師對水足跡認知、態度與 教學應用三者間彼此呈現顯著的正相關。


The management, protection, and use of precious water resources are critical environmental concerns. Taiwan uses environmental education to promote water conservation and to establish a positive attitude toward environmental goals. This study used questionnaires to investigate the cognition, attitude, and pedagogical application of elementary school teachers in Changhua County regarding water conservation problems. The results depended on the different personal backgrounds of the teachers. Most elementary school teachers had basic professional competence of water problems. Age, teaching subject, and years of experience influenced teachers5 cognition of water problems. Teachers older than 50, teachers of art and humanities subjects, and teachers with over 20 years of experience had the lowest cognition of water problems. Age, teaching subject, and teaching experience influenced teachers’ attitudes as well. Teachers older than 50, teachers of art and humanities subjects, and teachers with over 20 years of experience had worse attitudes toward conservation problems. School size influenced teachers’ pedagogical application of water problems. Teachers in schools of 13-24 classes had superior pedagogical application than those in schools of over 25 classes. Cognition, attitudes, and pedagogical application exhibited a significant positive correlation with each other. This study provides suggestions for authorities, school officials, and teachers to improve education on water problems.
