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篇名 大葉大學校圜步道之生態友善度評估
卷期 14:1
並列篇名 Evaluation of Eco-Friendliness of Campus Trails at Da-Yeh University
作者 陳宜清賴錫澍沈敬章
頁次 037-048
關鍵字 生態步道環境教育生態友善度Eco-trailenvironmental educationeco-friendliness
出刊日期 201803


位於八卦山山麓及綠覆率極高的大葉大學透過數條生態步道串聯,形成一個綠意盎然、花 草扶疏及生態豐富的校圜,生態步道也可提供相關環境教育課程與活動體驗。校圜步道生態友 善度的檢核以安全性、環境衝撃性、設計系統性、環境調和性四個面向之15項評估課題為準, 大葉校圜4條生態步道之生態友性善度評價結果有2條”符合”、1條”略能符合”及1條”尚待改 進”。主要之優點有:坡度超過15°時都設有階梯輔助、灌草叢都有修剪、能順應原有的地形地 物、步道寬度適當、能混合緩坡及陡坡有變化、保持落葉覆蓋富野趣。主要之不足處在於:峭 壁邊緣缺乏設置安全欄杆、起點及終點多爲混凝土或瀝青路面而非軟性鋪面、景緻變化較單調 及解說服務不足、無法避免人工設施或都市化材料,排水用混凝土面減少沖刷等。本研究藉由 對大葉大學生態步道之評估來找出可改善之缺失,將有利於綠色校圜建置過程中給學生在環境 教育上之啟發。


Several eco-trails are connected in series to form a green campus at Da-Yeh University, located at the foothills of the Ba-Gua Mountains. Eco-trails provide ecological experiences and can be used to host relevant courses and activities on environmental education. In this study, a field investigation explored the eco-friendliness of campus eco-trails. Eco-trails were evaluated on 15 criteria regarding four aspects: safety, environmental impact, systemized infrastructure, and environmental harmonization. The results revealed that two eco-trails had levels of “consistent,” one eco-trail had the level of “slightly consistent,” and one eco-trail had the level of “to be improved.” Major assets of eco-friendly trails were step aids for slopes over 15°, trimmed shrubs, respect for original topography,appropriate trail widths, mixes of gentle and steep slopes, and trails covered with foliage. Main shortcomings of the eco-trails were cliff edges without safety railings, concrete or asphalt pavement (rather than soft pavement) at the starting and ending points, monotonous scenery, lack of narration services, artificial facilities, and urban materials (such as concrete). This evaluation can help the university alleviate some of the defects of its eco-trails. Eco-trails can benefit environmental education during the process of green campus construction.
