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篇名 蔥田畦間自主行進載具之控制裝置設計實現
卷期 14:1
並列篇名 Design and Implementation of an Automated Guided Vehicle in Green Onion Farmlands
作者 程安邦江帛倫陳盛騰李柏緯周立強
頁次 049-073
關鍵字 混合式邏輯動態系統輯式離散事件系統田間自主行進載具mixed logical dynamic systemlogical discrete event systemautomated guided vehicle
出刊日期 201803


本文提出整合混合式邏輯動態系統的設計觀念及邏輯式離散事件系統的方法作為模式架 構,以演繹設計能自動導航於蔥田畦間之載具控制器。在整合模式中本文結合科學原理與布林 代數演算法演繹其邏輯規則及操作限制,發展一套系統性的演算程序,以功能子程式區塊方式 建構實現一有限狀態自動機之控制器。此自主導航載具之功能測試在蔥田畦間施行,以模擬載 具在田間行進時的噴灑或運送作業。經驗證及測試之結果顯示此方式之實現是可行,而本文提 出之技術方法可供實現設計其他型式自主行進載具控制裝置的一個發展範例,並應用在其他類 似已知環境下田畦間場域系統。


This paper proposes an integrated model for an automated guided vehicle (AGV) controller, based on the design of a mixed logical dynamic system and the methodology of a logical discrete event system. In this integrated model, scientific principles and a Boolean algorithm are combined to deduce logic rules and operating constraints to produce a series of systematic procedures. Function-oriented subprograms are systematically constructed to implement the controller of the finite state automaton. Navigation tests are performed in a green onion farmland to simulate spraying or transport operations while the vehicle is moving in furrows. Results revealed that the implementation of such an integrated controller model is feasible. The approach proposed in this work could be applied to controller design for future farmland AGVs.
