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篇名 利用顏色字串與權重函數之京劇臉譜檢索
卷期 14:1
並列篇名 Color Strings and Weighting Function for Peking Opera Mask Retrieval
作者 林群雄
頁次 083-092
關鍵字 京劇臉譜檢索基於內容的圖像檢索顏色字串權重函數Peking opera mask retrievalCBIR color stringweighting function
出刊日期 201803


本研究針對京劇臉譜影像檢索做一相關研究。人類歷史的時間軸不斷地向前進,每一時期 都有值得人們紀錄保存的事與物。我們的檢索方法可以對不同狀況下之京劇臉譜影像做很有效 率的檢索。首先,我們將每個京劇臉譜的尺寸標準化為60 X 60像素,再用8條規則(利用RGB 三原色之相對關係)將每個京劇臉譜轉換成顏色字串。其次,我們利用權重函數(權重可以作調 整)進行比較要檢索的京劇臉譜的顏色字串與儲存於資料庫的顏色字串。最後,排名前10名相 似的結果將被檢索出來。我們的系統特色為:1.基於內容的京劇臉譜檢索系統(基於相似性檢 索)和2.基於文本的京劇臉譜檢索(非常迅速和成熟)。


In this paper, we demonstrate a hybrid system for efficient retrieval of Peking opera mask images under different conditions. First, we standardize each Peking opera mask to 60 x 60 pixels. Second, eight rule ( using the relationships between the three primary colors of the RGB color model) are used to convert each Peking opera Mmask into a color string, and color strings stored in the database. Third, we compare the color strings of Peking opera mask images with color strings stored in the database using a weighting function. Finally, the ten most similar results are shown. Our system maintains the advantages of both content-based ( based on similarity searching ),and text-based retrieval ( rapid and mature) system.
