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篇名 國小師資培育生選修綜合活動教材教法動機與學習經驗之初探
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 An Exploratory Study on the Motivation and Learning Experience of the Teaching Materials and Methods for Elementary Teacher Education Students Electing an Integrated Activities Course
作者 潘淑琦
頁次 001-030
關鍵字 綜合活動學習經驗選課動機期望integrated activitieslearning experiencemotivationexpectation
出刊日期 201804
DOI 10.3966/207136492018041101001


本研究目的在探究師資培育生對此課程的學習經驗以及選修動機與期待,並以南部某國 立大學103 至105 年等3 年內選修綜合活動教材教法之84 位國小師資培育生為對象,採 用期初及期末自編綜合活動教材教法問卷,輔以每年訪談5-6 位師資培育生,以提供授 課教師對綜合活動教材教法的課程規劃調整,及師資培育機構對綜合活動教材教法課程 時間安排之參考。研究結果發現:(一)選修動機—源自學習經驗:(1)國中小時期: 綜合課程常被邊緣化、次級化,被挪去主學科趕進度、考試,或被學校的其他活動佔用, 故其學習經驗是模糊、陌生的;(2)代課時期:因未能理解課程內涵及教學經驗不足, 只能照本宣科,無法勝任;(3)師資培育期間:考量是否衝堂、時間壓力、充實專業能 力、教授推薦、生涯規劃等;(4)認為本學科對教學是重要而選修。(二) 選修期望— 選修後所獲得的專業知能:瞭解綜合活動內涵、教案撰寫能力、教學演示精進、教學專 業知能、教學現場分享交流,以及培養人品的基礎課程。


This study aimed to explore the learning experiences of elementary teacher education students, as well as their motivations and expectations for electing an integrated activities course. The participants included 84 elementary teacher education students who took the integrated activities course as an elective course between 2014 and 2016 in a national university located in South Taiwan. In order to provide information for teachers on planning and adjusting their teaching methods, and for the teacher education institution to schedule time slots for the integrated activities course, this study adopted a research self-developed questionnaire to survey participants’ opinions about the teaching materials and methods of the integrated activities at the beginning and toward the end of the semester. Besides, supplementary information was obtained by interviewing 5 to 6 teacher education students each year. The results of this study showed that: (1) Motivations for taking the elective course stemmed from the learning experiences: (a) during middle school and primary school periods: since integrated activities courses were often marginalized and considered as secondary, the allotted classtimes were often replaced by other school activities, or used by teachers of major subjects to help students catch up, or to take examinations. Participants’ learning experiences of integrated activities during these periods were vague and unfamiliar; (b) during the substitute teaching period: because of their lack of a thorough understanding of the curricular contents and their lack of teaching experiences, what the participants could do then was to simply read the textbooks word by word with a feeling of failing to have done a good job; (c) during the teacher education period: factors to be taken into consideration included schedule conflict, time pressure, potential for enriching their professional competence, recommendations from their professors, and career planning; (d) that the participants of this study considered this course to be important for teaching. (2) Expectations for taking the elective course: professional knowledge and skills to be gained from this course included: an understanding of the contents of integrated activities, proficiencies in preparing instructional plans, enhancing the teaching demonstration skills, strengthening the professional knowledge of teaching, on-site sharing and communicating of teaching experiences, and the basic course on cultivating morality and character.
