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篇名 幼教師專業成長團體關係建立歷程之探究
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 A Study on the Process Involved in Establishing Team Relationships in a Preschool Teachers’ Professional Development Community
作者 張素貞劉美慧
頁次 031-056
關鍵字 幼教師專業發展團體關係齒輪效應關係preschool teachers’ professional developmentteam relationshipgear effect relationships
出刊日期 201804
DOI 10.3966/207136492018041101002




As a teacher educator, I have long concerned myself with the professional development of preschool teachers. In this study, a collaborative-narrative approach was used to facilitate the professional development of preschool teachers. I invited eight preschool teachers from a preschool, to form a “collaborative-narrative group” that spanned a period of 18 months. This study adopted narrative inquiry. Data involving the process of the collaborative-narrative group were collected through observations, interviews, and document analysis, followed by a thematic analysis method to examine the collected data. Based on the results obtained, this study proposed some strategies and principles for the establishment of team relationships. It was noted that the establishment of team relationships included the following transformational stages: care and concern from the very beginning, followed by warmer relationships resulting from the unfolding of the collaborators’ identities, that led to team cohesion promoting the cooperation and alliances between the researcher and the collaborators, and finally, the intensity of team relationships continued to rise as the researcher’s identity was deconstructed. In addition, it was pointed out that the relationships among the collaborators’ and the researcher’s identities and the entire team were the same as gear effect relationships.
