
國立中正大學法學集刊 TSSCI

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篇名 監獄行刑中的修復式正義 —— 以德國、美國的經驗為例
卷期 58
並列篇名 In-Prison Restorative Justice – Learning from the Experience of Germany and the United States
作者 盧映潔宋名晰
頁次 143-198
關鍵字 修復式正義監獄行刑Restorative JusticePrisonTSSCI
出刊日期 201801


修復式正義的概念, 在我國司法實務上被稱為「修復式司 法」。我國法務部在 2010年6月即頒行「推動修復式司法試行方 案」並鼓勵地檢署結合社區以及學術單位的力量共同規劃與實施。 法務部在試行方案中是希望檢察機關結合觀護、矯正,在刑事司法 之各個程序中均提供兩造對話之機會,其中當然也包括執行徒刑的 階段。不過,從我國法務部開始推動修復式司法試行方案,由於各 地檢署是主要的實踐單位,因而我國修復式方案的踐行與成果絕大 多數是在偵查階段,文獻的研究亦較無觸及監獄行刑中修復式正義 的實踐與法制建構。基此,本文以德國與美國在修復式正義於監獄 行刑階段的法規範與實踐情形進行介紹,以外國經驗,再對我國修 復式正義在我國監獄行刑階段的實踐提出法規範架構及可行性的建 議。


Restorative justice initiatives, although in its relative infancy, have enjoyed widespread attention in Taiwan. In June 2010, the Ministry of Justice in Taiwan promulgated the “Pilot Program to Promote Restorative Justice (tuidong xiufushi sifa shixing fangan)”, encouraging local procuratorates to implement the Program with the help of local communities and academics. The Ministry attempted to offer the opportunity of dialogue between the victim and the offender in all stages of criminal justice. However, even today discussions of in-prison restorative justice programs are rare in Taiwan. This article intends to introduce how the in-prison restorative justice programs are managed in Germany and the United States to shed light on the assessment as to providing suggestions for implementing the in-prison restorative justice in Taiwan.
