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篇名 刑事司法人員對醫護專業人員於急診採證作為之需求探討——以親密伴侶暴力被害人為例
卷期 20
並列篇名 Judicial Officers’ Needs for Forensic Wound Examination and Evidence Collection in Emergency Department Personnel: An Example of Intimate Partner Violence Victims
作者 黃貞觀歐姿妤
頁次 017-034
關鍵字 親密伴侶暴力驗傷採證刑事護理學急診照護需求Intimate Partner ViolenceForensic Wound Examination and Evidence CollectionForensic NursingHealth Care Needs in the Emergency Department
出刊日期 201803


急診醫護人員通常是第一位與暴力被害人接觸的人,其照護及採證作為足以影響未來整 體暴力事件的司法程序,故本研究主要目的,係以刑事護理學的觀點,從刑事司法人員角度 剖析急診照護與採證作為,瞭解刑事司法人員對親密伴侶暴力防治及醫護人員在急診驗傷採 證作為之需求與期待。本研究採深度訪談法,研究對象為立意取樣,以有接觸過親密伴侶暴 力被害人之照護與採證相關人員,包括:法官、檢察官、家防官及鑑識人員等刑事司法資深 專業人員,透過半結構式訪談大綱進行深度訪談。研究嚴謹度以Lincoln 及 Guba 所提質性 研究之信賴度,亦即研究嚴謹度作為衡量標準。研究結果發現刑事司法專業人員對親密伴侶 防治及急診採證作為需求觀點,為標準作業程序、醫護人員專業角色不可替代、精緻偵查及 醫護人員應加入通報及網絡等需求觀點。最後,建議急診醫護專業人員在照顧親密伴侶暴力 被害人時,須擔任覺察者與評估者、服務者及諮詢者、教育者及管理者等角色,且期望醫院 急診照護能重新檢視對親密伴侶暴力被害人檢查流程,據以健全急診室醫護人員對親密伴侶 暴力被害人之照護與採證流程。


The first person to reach out to the victims of intimate partner violence usually is emergency department personnel and their care and evidence collection will affect the judicial proceedings in the future. In this study, the forensic nursing perspective was adopted and forensic wound examination and evidence collection (FWEEC) was explored from judicial officers’ perspective to gain insight into criminal investigation officers’ needs and their expectations of healthcare professional in terms of how to properly perform FWEEC. This study adopted the in-depth interview method and used the purposive sampling method to select the study participants, which comprised related personnel providing care to victims of intimate partner violence and those collecting intimate partner violence-related evidence. The said personnel included criminal justice professionals such as a judge, a prosecutor, a domestic violence prevention officer, and a forensic officer. In-depth interviews were conducted using a semi-structured interview outline. To ensure the study rigor, qualitative measurements of reliability and validity proposed by Lincoln and Guba were employed. The study results revealed the needs of criminal justice professionals in terms of intimate partner violence prevention and FWEEC, the appropriate standard operating procedure, the irreplaceability of healthcare professionals, and the need to include a communication network between FWEEC and healthcare professionals. When providing care to victims of intimate partner violence, emergency department personnel must serve the roles of inspectors and evaluators, service providers and consultants, educators, and managers. The objective was to review the inspection procedure for victims of intimate partner violence in emergency departments to improve emergency department personnel’s understanding of the care and evidence collection procedure for such victims.
