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篇名 怡情在書史 關念總閭閻—— 嘉慶朝的內府刻書
卷期 20
並列篇名 A Studying on the Inner Court Imprint of the Jiaqing Reign, Qing Dynasty
作者 盧雪燕
頁次 085-104
關鍵字 清內府刻書嘉慶朝Qing Inner CourtImprintJiaqing Reign
出刊日期 201803




The studying focuses on the Inner Court Imprint during the Jiaqing reign, Qing dynasty. While the quantity is fewer then previous time, by sorting, analysis, and comparison with Yongzheng period, the conclusion indicates that the compilation of Jiaqing period is approximately according to the former period, which includes government publications, such as the Imperial Diary, Veritable Records, Imperial biographies, Imperial Edicts, etc., and the continuation of various program began since the Qianlong period. This was caused by the personality of Jiaqing Emperor who always follows to the style of Qianlong. It was not successful to return to the previous condition with his conservative cultural policy, which could be revealing the Emperor had faced difficulties when the Qing dynasty was declined.
