
圖書資訊學刊 CSSCIScopusTSSCI

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篇名 合作學習情境中師資培育生教案發展之協作資訊行為
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 Preservice Teachers’ Collaborative Information Behavior while Developing Curriculum in Cooperative Learning Contexts
作者 楊琬琳蔡天怡
頁次 109-140
關鍵字 資訊行為協作資訊行為合作學習教案發展師資培育Information BehaviorCollaborative Information BehaviorCooperative LearningCurriculum DevelopmentTeacher EducationTSSCI
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.6182/jlis.201806_16(1).109




The purpose of this study is to examine the collaborative information behavior (CIB) and experiences of preservice teachers while developing curriculum in small groups. A survey was conducted with 70 students from three courses in a teacher preparation program in Taiwan, and followed up with 14 voluntary interviews among survey participants. The three courses that participants were taking share the same learning goal—promoting preservice teachers’ ability to develop curriculum through teamwork. Results show that specific CIBs, such as co-browse and cosearch, only occurred prior to labor-distribution stage. In the process of curriculum development, preservice teachers who exhibited CIB more frequently typically came from teamwork/labordistribution balanced groups, and tended to use a wider variety of online tools; compared to their lowfrequency CIB counterparts, high-frequency CIB students also held more positive attitudes towards their perceived project outcome. Suggestions for facilitating cooperative learning, for future teacher education, as well as for future research, are provided based on the findings of the present study.
