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篇名 章太炎對聯省自治運動的貢獻
卷期 36:1
並列篇名 Zhang Taiyan’s Contribution to the Federalist Movement
作者 陳學然徐全
頁次 241-280
關鍵字 章太炎聯省自治湖南自治南北政府Zhang Taiyan 章太炎Federalist MovementHunan Autonomy MovementNorthern and Southern Governments123MEDLINETHCI
出刊日期 201803


興起於1920 年的聯省自治運動,雖然已有不少學者作出深入研究, 但對於在這場運動中扮演重要推手──特別是在湖南省憲落實過程中出 力猶多的章太炎的相關思想及行動,一直未有深入的專文探究。同時, 不少研究對於這場運動思想之深刻性與政治影響力並未予足夠重視。本 文撰述有以下三個重點:第一、釐清章太炎早期的地方自治理念,彰示 其不同時期對於聯邦主義的不同看法,闡述其對聯邦原則的國憲的迎拒 態度;第二、探討章太炎的地方自治綱領與恢復乃至維護民國法統之間 的深層關係;第三、研究章太炎在湖南自治運動歷史漩渦中的言行與貢 獻,進而觀察其於此段時期如何批判孫中山反對「聯治」的思想主張。 本文最後要指出的是,即使是看似讓地方與中央「分離」的聯省自治運 動,在章太炎思想世界裏卻毫無疑問是為了要實現國家最終的民主與和 平的統一。12


In recent years, there have been many studies of the provincial self-rule movement of the 1920s. And yet, not much attention has been paid to Zhang Taiyan 章太炎 (1869-1936), a political philosopher who gave theoretical and practical guidance to the movement, especially to the implementation of the Hunan provincial constitution. Due to the negative image of the federalist movement, even less attention has been paid to the arguments for provincial self-rule, and the impact of the movement on the political thought of modern China. This article provides a new understanding of the provincial self-rule movement from three perspectives. First, it will examine Zhang’s thinking on provincial self-rule since his youth, highlighting his different views on provincial autonomy in response to the changing needs of the times. Second, it will focus on the creative tension between Zhang’s support for provincial self-rule and his commitment to the legitimacy and authority of the Chinese republic. Third, it will analyze Zhang’s writings and speeches in Hunan, underscoring Zhang’s differences with Sun Yat-sen regarding provincial selfrule. Together, these three snapshots give us a deeper understanding of Zhang, whose support of provincial self-rule was to build a unified but not centralized China.
