
選舉研究 TSSCI

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篇名 政治知識的性別差異:測量內容之探討
卷期 24:2
並列篇名 Gender Difference in Political Knowledge: A Measurement Perspective
作者 林瓊珠徐永明黃秀端
頁次 039-063
關鍵字 女性政治人物政治知識制度政治知識政治知識性別差異political knowledge of female politicianspolitical knowledge of institutionspolitical knowledgegender differenceTSSCI
出刊日期 201711
DOI 10.6612/tjes.2017.24.02.39-63


本文主要從測量角度,探討政治知識的性別差異是否存在,此性別 差距是否會因題目設計而縮小,以及導致差異存在的因素為何。本文分 析台灣選舉與民主化調查2013 年的調查資料(TEDS2013),將政治知識 區分為女性政治人物、制度知識、以及總體政治知識題組,以迴歸模型 針對性別間的政治知識差異進行分析。本文發現無論何種類型內容的政 治知識題目,男性政治知識確實顯著高於女性,但是本文也發現,女 性在女性政治人物認知題型的答題情形優於其他類型,此顯示當政治世 界的女性成分增加時,有助於女性政治意識提升,縮小兩性間的知識差 距。導致兩性差異存在的可能因素,主要包括教育程度、媒體接觸、政 治興趣、婚姻狀況、以及對總統表現滿意度。教育程度愈高、以報紙為 主要資訊來源、已婚、對政治愈有興趣、對總統表現愈不滿意,有助提 升政治知識。


This paper aims to study the gender difference on political knowledge from a measurement perspective. It asks if the gender difference becomes smaller when the questionnaires are more related to female essentials, and it further examines the factors that lead to gender difference. By using survey data from the TEDS2013, this paper breaks down the concept of political knowledge into three categories: knowledge of female politicians, knowledge of political institutions, and overall political knowledge. Based on the results from multiple regression models, the findings are clear that males have a better political knowledge than females in general. Females, however, demonstrated a better performance on the knowledge of female politicians. This shows an increasingly clear pattern of female political knowledge when the questionnaires are more closely associated with female essentials. The factors that lead to gender differences include the level of education, exposure to newspapers, political interest, marital status, and the degree of satisfaction with the president’s performance. People with a higher level of education, with more exposure to newspapers, with a greater degree of political interest, those who are married, and express less satisfaction with the president’s performance display higher political knowledge.
