
臺灣師大歷史學報 THCI

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篇名 民初中醫「醫育法權」之建構(1912-1949)—以《中醫條例》及《醫師法》為論述核心
卷期 59
並列篇名 Creating Legal Rights for Traditional Chinese Medicine during the Early Years of the Republic of China (1912-1949): On the Chinese Medicine Ordinance of 1936 and the Physicians Act of 1943
作者 曾宣靜林昭庚孫茂峰
頁次 041-100
關鍵字 中醫中醫條例醫師法醫療法律traditional Chinese medicine Chinese Medicine OrdinancePhysicians Actmedical lawTHCI
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.6243/BHR.201806_(59).0002


民國初年,當國家嘗試以法律制度建立醫療專業標準,在合法與非法 之醫療人員、醫療行為、醫療權利等劃定上,時常壓縮中醫群體合法的生 存空間,引發中醫群體為爭取醫療衛生教育行政法律權利上的種種行動。 本文藉由1933年中醫郭鴻傑提出的「醫育法權」概念,作為論述中醫群體 爭取相關法律上權益之簡稱。以「醫育法權」建構為核心,分析《中醫條 例》( 1936)及《醫師法》( 1943)等法律條文,探究民初中醫群體就教育法 權、行政法權、行醫法權等醫療法律權利上之爭議問題,了解當時中醫群 體希望建立之法權內容及實際爭取成效。


During the early years of the Republic of China (ROC), the government established a legal framework designed to regulate the practice of medicine in China. This framework sought to define such things as medical rights, legally acceptable medical practices, legitimate and illegitimate physicians, and so on. The new legal system, however, posed a threat to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which in turn fought back for its right to exist. This article examines the various efforts taken by TCM advocates to create legal rights for TCM; it also considers whether these efforts were successful. In particular, it looks at how in 1933, Dr. Guo Hong-joe, a TCM physician, proposed an “educational and administrative” right for TCM. The paper also examines the Chinese Medical Ordinance of 1936, the Physicians Act of 1943, and other legal documents.
