
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 自行車踩踏功率的應用與發展
卷期 51:2
並列篇名 The application and development of cycling pedaling power
作者 李尹鑫陳家祥嚴笠哲相子元
頁次 145-154
關鍵字 自行車訓練功率計踩踏效率踩踏策略cycling trainingpower meterpedaling efficiencypedaling strategyTSSCI
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.3966/102472972018065102001




Pedaling power is one of the most important indexes in cycling. Just by measuring it, one can obtain the instant performance and the intensity of racing or training. When you keep monitoring and analyzing the power data for quite a period of time, you will find it to be an indispensable tool for cycling training in adjusting training plans and evaluating racing performance. The improvement of measurement technology allowed researchers to develop new indexes, e.g., pedaling efficiency. The pedaling efficiency can be obtained by analyzing the power measured from different parts of the bike and pedaling phases, and can be further applied to determine the most suitable pedaling strategies for performance improvements. However, the meaning and effect of the pedaling efficiency and pedaling strategies on different users need further research to clarify. With the advancement of sensor technology, the development of power meter will be expected to be more diversified in the future. It appears that more data (indexes) measured would add complexity; but by the help of big data analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI), those data could become useful information for the cyclists and the foundation for new indexes and effective training systems.
