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篇名 道德解離與反社會行為之關係:社會認同的調節效果
卷期 51:2
並列篇名 The relationship between moral disengagement and antisocial behavior: Social identity as a moderator
作者 王志全甘裕意高三福
頁次 187-198
關鍵字 運動道德自我調適品格發展運動團隊moral in sportsself-regulationcharacter developmentsport teamTSSCI
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.3966/102472972018065102004


緒論:在運動場域,道德行為議題向來是研究者所關注的焦點,Bandura 的道德解離 是近年來探討運動道德行為的主要理論。雖然有不少的研究已經證實道德解離會降低利 社會行為,升高反社會行為,但道德解離與利、反社會行為之間存在哪些影響因素,形 成研究上的重要缺口。因而,本研究目的在探討運動員的道德解離與反社會行為之關係, 以及社會認同所扮演的調節效果。方法:本研究採問卷調查法,研究對象為大專院校公 開組籃球、足球與手球的男性運動員265 人,在賽季期間進行資料蒐集,研究測量運動 員的道德解離、反社會行為與社會認同,收集資料經階層迴歸統計分析。結果:道德解 離與對對手、對隊友的反社會行為有顯著正向關係,而且也發現社會認同負向調節道德 解離與對對手、對隊友的反社會行為,亦即當運動員的社會認同程度低時,道德解離與 對對手、對隊友反社會行為之間的正向關係會特別的明顯;當運動員的社會認同程度高 時,道德解離與對對手、對隊友反社會行為之間的正向關係顯得較弱。結論:本研究結 果除了支持道德解離與反社會行為間的關係,也證實運動員的社會認同會抑制道德解離 與反社會行為之間的關係。本研究依據研究結果,提出具體建議與未來研究方向。


Introduction: Moral behavior is always a big issue in sports. Bandura’s moral disengagement theory is the primary framework to understand athletes’ moral behaviors in sports in recent years. Though studies showed that moral disengagement is negatively related to prosocial behaviors and positively related to antisocial behaviors, there are research gaps to explore the variables between moral disengagement and moral behaviors. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between moral disengagement and antisocial behaviors, and the moderation role of social identity. Methods: Participants were 265 open-level university basketball, football and handball male athletes. Data were collected in season and moral disengagement, anti-social behaviors, and social identify were measured. The hierarchical regression was used to analyze the data. Results: Results showed that athletes’ moral disengagement was positively related to their antisocial behavior toward opponents and toward teammates, respectively. Results also indicated that social identity negatively moderated the relationship between moral disengagement and antisocial behavior toward opponents and toward teammates, respectively. For those who were low social identity athletes, the positive relationships between moral disengagement and antisocial behavior (both toward opponents and toward teammates) were strong. In contrast, the relationships between moral disengagement and antisocial behavior (both toward opponents and toward teammates) were weak for those who were high team identity athletes. Conclusion: The results support the effect of moral disengagement on antisocial behavior, and also provide the evidence for the decreasing effect of social identity. Implications for physical educator and future study are discussed.
