
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 模擬擊球對羽球側向跳下肢落地的動力學效應
卷期 51:2
並列篇名 The effect of footwork in lower extremities kinematics and kinetics during lateral jump-landing
作者 洪敏豪張曉昀洪佳翎羅瑭勻黃鉢登張家豪
頁次 199-210
關鍵字 步伐訓練單腳落地側向躍起著地footwork trainingsingle-leg landinglateral jump landingTSSCI
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.3966/102472972018065102005


緒論:側向跳殺是羽球男子雙打比賽中常見的技術,優異的攻擊技巧有助於提升運 動表現,因此選手常針對側向跳殺步伐進行訓練,但步伐無實際擊球動作,本研究將探 討步伐與擊球動作間是否存在相同的落地策略,目的為了解羽球側向躍殺動作在模擬擊 球與擊球動作間,在側向跳躍殺球落地下蹲期下肢關節角度及地面反作用力參數。方法: 本研究共招募16 名大專羽球公開組男子運動員,進行三次側向跳躍殺球模擬擊球動作及 三次擊球側向跳躍殺擊球動作,使用8 台Vicon 紅外線高速攝影機 (300Hz) 及Kistler 測 力板 (1500Hz) 同步擷取運動學及動力學資料,使用相依樣本t 檢定模擬擊球動作與擊球 動作落地下蹲期關節角度及地面反作用力參數。結果:模擬擊球動作在膝關節最大屈曲 時產生較大的髖關節屈曲角度,在下蹲期膝關節屈伸活動度及下蹲期時間模擬擊球動作 皆大於擊球動作,而擊球動作則在落地瞬間產生較大的髖關節外展角度。結論:本研究 發現擊球動作與模擬擊球會使用不同的落地策略,建議未來羽球步伐訓練研究可進行揮 擊定點目標物與實際擊球動作的比較。


Introduction: The lateral jump smash is a common technique in the badminton men double game. Considering excellent badminton attack skills can assist in better performance, athletes often focused on the training of lateral jump smash footwork. The footwork training is proved to improve the skills of lateral jump smash. However, considering the footwork training did not include hitting a ball, there may be some differences when compared with real competition. Purpose: To improve the reality in training programs, this study was designed to measure the differences in the landing phase between lateral jump smash training (with ball-hit) and lateral jump smash footwork training (without ball-hit) by the way of analyzing kinematics and kinetics parameters. Methods: Sixteen male badminton athletes were enrolled in this study. Each volunteer received three times lateral jump smash training (with ball-hit) and three times lateral jump smash footwork training (without ball-hit). Eight Vicon infrared high-speed cameras (300Hz) and a Kistler force plate (1500Hz) were used to collect the kinematic and kinetic parameters of the subjects’ lower extremities during landing phase of lateral jump smash movement. A paired-sample t-test was performed to compare two conditions by using SPSS 22.0. Results: At initial contact during landing phase of lateral jump smash, the smash group had greater hip abduction than the footwork group. While in the maximum knee flexion, the footwork group had greater hip flexion than the smash group. Besides, longer landing phase time and greater knee range of motion were also observed in the footwork group. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that, the footwork training and the smash training use different landing strategies. Based on this finding, further study in the realm of badminton should compare smash training (ball-hit) and footwork training (target-hit).
