
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 速度與距離對助跑單腳跳躍的生物力學影響
卷期 51:2
並列篇名 Influence of speed and distance on biomechanics during single-legged running jump
作者 戴偉勳彭賢德羅興樑
頁次 211-220
關鍵字 生物力學肌電圖助跑跳biomechanicsEMGrunning jumpTSSCI
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.3966/102472972018065102006


緒論:助跑單腳跳躍動作是籃球運動中常見的動作技能,事實上,助跑單單腳跳隨 著不同目的有不同的起跳策略,而助跑加速過程與距離更是影響跳躍表現的關鍵因素。 本研究的目的是藉由運動學、動力學與肌電圖分析方法,探討不同的助跑距離與速度對 助跑單足垂直跳的影響。方法:實驗參與者為12 位優秀大專男子籃球運動員,隨機進行 2 種速度 (快速,慢速) 與3 種起跑距離 (3 公尺、6 公尺與9 公尺) 的助跑垂直跳與原地 垂直跳動作。運動學與動力學參數分別透過11 台紅外線高速攝影機 (200Hz) 與測力板 (1000Hz) 進行資料收集,肌電圖資料則使用Delsys 無線肌電訊號系統 (2000Hz) 進行記 錄,並且通過EvaRT 4.6 版套裝軟體進行三種儀器間的資料同步收集,統計方法使用重複 量數二因子變異數分析,比較不同助跑速度與距離間的交互作用與差異。結果:研究結 果發現,跳躍高度在快速助跑情況下顯著高於慢速助跑 (p = .023)、踝關節力矩 (p = .030) 與膝關節功率 (p = .044) 也在快速助跑情下顯著較高。脛骨前和腓腸肌的激活隨著助跑 速度的提升而增加。在不同距離比較上,股直肌、腿後肌與腓腸肌在助跑距離6 公尺時 的肌肉激活情況顯著大於助跑距離3 公尺。結論:本研究發現助跑單腳垂直跳確實能提 高跳躍表現,其中助跑重心水平速度的快慢會直接影響跳躍表現,每秒4 公尺以上的速 度對跳躍表現有較佳的效果,此外,6 公尺助跑距離對下肢肌肉激活程度有較佳的效果。


Introduction: Single-legged running vertical jump is a common skill in basketball game. In real practice, athletes will use different jumping strategy for distinguish goal. However, approach running process of speed up and distance change is most important factors for jumping performance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of approach speeds and distances on single-legged running vertical jumps by examining the kinematics, kinetics, and EMG data during the movement execution. Methods: Twelve division III male basketball players voluntarily participated in this study. They performed CMJ and 3 trials of the single-legged running vertical jumps in each combined conditions with 2 approach speeds and 3 distances randomly. The kinematic and kinetic data were collected by a force platform set at 2000Hz sampling rate and 11 infrared high speed cameras set at 200Hz sampling rate. EMG data were recorded by Delsys surface EMG system set at 2000Hz sampling rate. The force platform, cameras and EMG system were synchronized using EvaRT 4.6. Two-way ANOVA (2 approach speeds × 3 approach distances) with repeated measures was performed to determine any significant effects and interactions of approach speeds and approach distances. Results: Our results showed that, the jump height was significantly larger in fast approach run (p = .023), ankle moment and knee power were significantly larger in fast approach run (p = .030; p = .044). And the muscle activation of tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius were found significantly larger in fast approach speed. Compared with different approach distances, the muscle activation level of rectus femoris, biceps femoris, and gastrocnemius were found significantly larger in 6 meters approach distance than those in 3 meters approach distance. Conclusion: Single-legged running vertical jump increased jumping performance, and approach velocity affected the jumping performance. We suggested that approach run with faster speed (4m/s) will enhance single-legged running vertical jump performance. Moreover, 6 meters approach run improved the muscle activation more
