
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 英國學生運動員生涯發展策略之探析─『精進學徒運動卓越』政策方案研究
卷期 51:2
並列篇名 Career development strategies for student-athletes in the United Kingdom: A case study of the Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence
作者 李炳昭黃賢哲蔣任翔
頁次 253-272
關鍵字 United Kingdomstudent-athletecareer developmentAASEsports policy英國學生運動員生涯發展『精進學徒運動卓越』方案運動政策TSSCI
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.3966/102472972018065102009


緒論:本研究以英國『精進學徒運動卓越』政策方案為個案,探討學生運動員生涯 發展策略的實施,闡述相關發展經驗、運作機制和實施意涵。方法:以個案研究方式進 行,並以深度訪談方式與文件分析法蒐集資料。結果:方案的推動呈現出家庭/家長、學 生運動員、教練、運動單項協會、地方俱樂部 (球隊) 以及學校之間協力合作關係,並以 此建構運作體系培育優秀運動員。結論:政策推動實施的意涵,包括:家庭/家長的融入 扮演重要角色、方案輔導運動員態度正面積極,因其教育福利受到重視、訓練比賽時更 專注。


Introduction: This study investigated sports policy regarding the career development of talented student-athletes in the United Kingdom by addressing the experiences, the mechanisms, and the implications of its implementation. Methods: A case study was conducted that included an examination of the Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence (AASE). The research methods included documentary analysis and interviews. Results: A well-established collaborative relationship among parents, student-athletes, coaches, the National Governing Bodies of sports (NGBs), sports clubs, and educational institutions was identified, and this relationship was found to have shaped the operating structure of the AASE. Conclusion: Some major implications were identified, such as the important role of parental involvement in AASE implementation. Student-athletes’ attitude toward AASE implementation was found to be positive; they stated that their “educational welfare was emphasized” and that they were more “focused” while training and competing..
