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篇名 認真性休閒如何促進休閒效益與幸福感:細究社會資本與遊憩專門化之角色
卷期 15:2
並列篇名 How does Serious Leisure Promote Leisure Benefit and Wellbeing? The Roles of Social Capital and Recreational Specialization
作者 王志宏許世芸李豪
頁次 049-074
關鍵字 認真性休閒社會資本遊憩專門化休閒效益幸福感Serious LeisureSocial CapitalRecreation SpecializationLeisure BenefitWellbeing
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.6214/JSRM.201806_15(2).0003




Leisure benefits and wellbeing can be achieved for participants by participating in leisure activities. Systematic examination of relationships both between serious leisure and leisure benefit, and serious leisure and wellbeing are still waiting so far. The purpose of this study is thus to examine the relationships both between serious leisure and leisure benefit, and serious leisure and wellbeing by introducing the roles of social capital and recreational specialization. Theoretical framework and corresponding hypotheses were built according related literature and theory bases. International standard dance participants were invited to participate in this study. Structural equation modeling was used in this study to test our hypotheses. Empirical evidence of the effects of serious leisure on the leisure benefit and wellbeing and mediating effects of social capital and recreation specialization on the aforementioned relationships were examined and discussed in this study.
