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篇名 The Changzhongin's Fonyintan Is the Key Pharmacy for Malnutrition-Infective Cardiac and / or Cerebral Disorders in Dong-Han Dynasty
卷期 18:3
作者 Hsieh Nan-KuangWu Chung-ShanChiang Chun-YiHo Fong-Ming
頁次 019-019
關鍵字 Changzhongin in Dong-Han dynastyFonyintanMalnutritionInfectionCardiac and / or Cerebral disorders
出刊日期 201609



Changzhongin is a famous Chinese Physician. He is also an initiator in herbal prescriptions. He medical cure of a large complex illness in Dong-Han Dynasty. He had written a book for「Shanghan miscellaneous disorders, which be divided two parts in 「Shanghan Issue」and 「Jinkaeaolae」for the complex treatment of the different diseases those years. To investigate the name of disease and the drugs’ effective compartment of Fonyintan for thestudy of younger in Chinese or Western Medicine. We review the mechanism and outcome to make the decision of patients’ diseases those years by the Fonyintan’s compartments, also utilizing Hsus’ and Hsiehs’ the Chinese Medical Herbs, Lins’ and Chens’the Chinese Herbal Pharmacy respectively, Shyus’ the Concise Herbal pharmacology, and Yarns’ the Chinese pharmacy, Daih’s the Chinese Medicine, and Hsiehs’ the General Medicine: Patients and Symptoms. Our findings were the disease belonging to sultry invasion, empty bloody strength, blocked blood vessels with adjacent nerves, paralytic breathing and motion in Chinese Medicine. The malnutritioninfection disorders was considered single disease in Western Medicine. Malnutrition was main etiology. The infective etiology was by virus, fungus, or bacteria. The key medical herbs are ten kinds of herbs, which were eight anti-febriles, four antiepileptics (fossilia ossis mastodi, ostreae testa, radix glycyrrhizae, and gypsum rubrum), and open through vessels (rhei rhizoma, rhizome zingiberis, holloysitum rubrum, and gypsum) respectively, three bacteriostates (rhei rhizoma, ramulus cinnamomi, and talcum), two antidotes, immunocatalysis, antiferment and diuretics separately, and one powerful cardiac drug. Conclusions in this study are it having existed the malnutrition-infective cardiac and/or cerebral disorders before one thousand and seven hundred years. Patients’ disease belongs to the getting angry in adult, and the emergent convulsion in children in Chinese Medicine. Fonyintan is a main herbal prescription for the most likely of malnutrition-infection inducing acute circulative and/or neurological disorders, which had difficult for the final diagnosis of infective etiology in Western Medicine occasionally.
