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篇名 急診病人臨床照護指引之簡介
卷期 65:4
並列篇名 Introduction of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Emergency Patients
作者 怡懋.蘇米蔡維謀施芊卉李茹萍
頁次 005-010
關鍵字 急診護理臨床照護指引照護品質emergency nursingclinical practice guidelinesnursing qualityMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201808
DOI 10.6224/JN.201808_65(4).02




A hospital emergency department is unique among medical environments, with risks of medical errors often higher than in other medical units. Previous studies have confirmed that establishing comprehensive clinical practice guidelines in the emergency department reduces medical costs and improves patient safety and satisfaction. Furthermore, having these guidelines positively influences and significantly impacts the work of emergency care professionals. This article addresses the current assessment and treatment of common emergency care, including non-invasive temperature measurements, oxygenated monitoring during procedural sedation and analgesia, postural differences and vital signs monitoring, and difficulties in peripheral vein placement. Further, this article introduces the recommendations of the Emergency Nurses Association on the empirical level and in terms of the clinical application of these practices in order to help emergency staffs develop domestic and local emergency clinical care guidelines in order to reduce the incidence of medical malpractice and improve care quality and patient satisfaction.
