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篇名 從現代美學觀點探討幼兒園美感領域課程
卷期 116
並列篇名 A Study on Aesthetic Education of Preschool Curriculum from the Viewpoint of Modern Aesthetics
作者 黃莉雯李玉惠楊國賜
頁次 049-063
關鍵字 藝術美自然美社會美美感領域課程現代美學Aesthetics of ArtAesthetics of NatureAesthetics of SocietyAesthetic EducationModern Aesthetic
出刊日期 201807
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201807_(116).0003




Modern aesthetics covers aesthetics of art, aesthetics of nature and aesthetics of society, and considers beauty presented in both abstract and concrete forms. In this study, people from variant fields were first interviewed for getting general thoughts about what beauty is, what beauty in concrete forms is and what beauty in abstract forms is. Questionnaires were then designed based on these thoughts and adopted to understand preschool teachers’ opinions on preschool aesthetics courses. Results reveal that feelings of beauty varies widely depending on individual experiences of intervewees, but can still be classified into one of the three kinds: aesthetics of art, aesthetics of nature, and aesthetics of society. Results of questionnaires indicate 95% of preschool teachers agreed that aesthetics include aesthetics of art, nature, and society; 87% of preschool teachers take aesthetics of art as main content in Aesthetics Education; 56% of preschool teachers would guide children to sense the aesthetics of nature; 93% of preschool teachers agreed that sensing the aesthetics of society is important; and 76% of preschool teachers agreed that aesthetics of society can be fused into the existing preschool curriculum.
