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篇名 幼兒園教保服務人員激勵保健因素探究
卷期 116
並列篇名 Research on the Motivation and Hygiene Factors for Preschool Educators
作者 張唯宸
頁次 064-080
關鍵字 幼兒園教保服務人員激勵保健因素preschoolpreschool educatorsmotivation and hygiene factors
出刊日期 201807
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201807_(116).0004




The purpose of this study was to inquire into the motivation and hygiene factors unique to preschool educators and to apply Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory to actual leadership. This study used semistructured interviews as the primary data collection method. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The motivational factors for preschool educators include job challenges, promotions and sense of appreciation. As for hygiene factors, they include salary and benefits, working conditions, peer relations, supervision, and personal life. 2. Motivation and hygiene factors can be addressed by preschool leadership. First, attention must be paid to the interaction between preschool educators who work closely together. Second, preschool educators must be fully authorized to act, with minimal interference from the administration. Third, preschool administration should positively reinforce preschool educators’ behavior, using rewards and giving praise and encouragement to the preschool educators in a timely and appropriate manner.
