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篇名 教育行政學位論文應用計量分析方法改善及相關量化分析發展
卷期 116
並列篇名 Improving on Using Quantitative Analytic Methods in Educational Administration Theses and the Developments of Related Quantitative Analysis
作者 葉連祺
頁次 147-211
關鍵字 量化研究SEMAHPDelphiIPA中介分析質性研究quantitative researchstructural equation modelinganalytic hierarchy processDelphi methodimportant performance analysismediation analysisqualitative research
出刊日期 201807
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201807_(116).0007




Many theses in educational administration conducted quantitative approach that used various quantitative analytic methods to handle data to produce objective evidences. But many papers discussed several errors in using quantitative analytic methods as well as in interrupting the results of quantitative studies that led to influence the quality of quantitative researches. So the study discussed some problems concerned in quantitative analysis which happened in the educational administration theses in Taiwan, illustrated the related developments about quantitative analytic methods, and pointed out some available modifications. For theses above purposes, the study focused on discussing four analytic works: the development of investigatory tools, the relationship of various variables, the assessment indicator construction, and the quantitative analysis of qualitative researches. Eight analysis affairs which included testing the construct validity of investigatory tool, testing the classifications in importance-performance analysis, detecting the mediations in various variables, detecting the interactions in various variables, testing the casual relationship models with structural equation modeling, assessing the consistency of assessment and the profession of raters in Delphi method, determining the reasonableness of assessment indicators and the consensus of experts’ assessment in AHP analysis, as well as selecting the appropriate quantitative analytic methods in qualitative researches, were discussed. Moreover the problems of application for quantitative analysis in theses were pointed out, the topics for using in the related quantitative analytic methods were explained, and several available strategies to improve were proposed that included useable analytic procedures, analytic methods as well as assessment criteria.
