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篇名 運用穴位按摩改善大專院校學生便秘問題成效之研究
卷期 15:1
並列篇名 The Effectiveness of Massage in Treating Constipation for University’s Students
作者 王淮真阮瑞竹方文君陳于楨吳季蓉
頁次 033-046
關鍵字 穴位按摩便祕大專生Point massageConstipationCollege students
出刊日期 201806


現代人以外食偏多,攝取食物偏向重口味的型態,尤其是大專院校生外宿居多,在缺乏 家人的督促下,作息不正常,飲食不均衡,偏嗜油炸偏鹹辣導致便秘問題的形成,目前治療 便秘常見的方式為藥物治療,長期服用可能導致藥物依賴及抗藥性,透過過去研究發現穴位 刺激對改善便秘有顯著效果,因此本研究目的為設計一套具有非侵入性、無副作用的穴位按 摩手法,提供有便秘困擾的大學生,無金錢負擔、無空間困擾的解決方案,達到改善便秘之 目的。本研究方法透過CAS 量表篩選出大專院校便秘樣本19 例,經過實際接受14 天穴位按 摩手法,觀察按摩前後數值的改變,採用成對樣本T 檢定驗證結果。本研究設計之穴位按摩 手法療效經檢定顯示具有顯著性P<0.05,結果證實能有效改善大專院校生便祕狀況,並且19 例大專生都滿意本研究設計之按摩手法。


Objective : constipation is a common health problem for college students due to irregular daily routine. Therefore this study tried to apply point massage to relief symptom of constipation and investigate the effectiveness of our designed point massage therapy. Methods: this study was an experimental design and all data was collected from universities of southern Taiwan. 19 students took our point massage therapy once a day for 14 days . All collected data was tested via paired sample t test by spss 20.0 , alpha value was set to 0.05 ,and comparison within before and after point massage. Results : after taking 14 days point massage therapy , 19 participates tested by CAS and PAC-QOL and found remission rate was significant difference (P<0.05). And all of 19 partitions are satisfied with our point massage therapy 32% somewhat satisfactory , 37% satisfactory,26% very satisfactory, and 5 % excellent.
