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篇名 “仙道贵生”思想及青城天医文化探析
卷期 15:1
並列篇名 The Cultural Analysis of Persistent Self-cultivation and Reverence for life with Dao Medicine Culture in Qingcheng
作者 王帅李久云
頁次 047-058
關鍵字 仙道贵生身心健康青城天医文化养生调理继承与弘扬新医学体系核心理论思想Persistent self-cultivation and reverence for lifePhysical and mental healthDao medicine culture in QingchengPreservesone's healthInheritance and promotionNew medical systemCore theory
出刊日期 201806




In this article, by applying the theory of "persistent self-cultivation and reverence for life as well as maintenance of physical and mental health in line with the Taoism theory" as the research topic, a detailed discussion was carried out concerning the historical origin, historical inheritance, and core concept of Dao medicine culture in Qingcheng. Meanwhile, a summary was provided for the historical origin and theoretical overview of Qingcheng Dao medicine culture which advocated "persistent self-cultivation and reverence for life in line with the Taoism theory". Then, a relatively comprehensive explanation was also made regarding relevant methods of "health preservation and conditioning", such as diet therapy, guidance and spells. The inheritance and development of the "Dao medicine culture" was prospected in the era of National Health. Furthermore, this study also introduced the excavation, inheritance and development of Qingcheng Dao medical skills by Mr. Li Jiuyun, the contemporary inheritor of Qingcheng Dao medical skills, and his disciples. On the basis of sorting out and summarizing the cultural system of Dao medical knowledge under the Taoism theory of "harmony between man and nature", the new medical system and core theoretical thoughts of Dao medical knowledge were pioneered in this research, so as to achieve inheritance and benefit all human beings.
