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篇名 台灣美容SPA 產業發展策略之研究- 以K 個案經銷商為例
卷期 15:1
並列篇名 A Study on the Development Strategy of Beauty SPA Industry in Taiwan - Dealer K’ case as An Example
作者 簡馨芬涂登才陳俊瑜
頁次 059-090
關鍵字 美容SPAPEST 分析五力分析SWOT 分析專家深度訪談法Beauty SPAPESTFive-forces AnalysisIn-depth Interview
出刊日期 201806


本研究聚焦美容SPA 產業未來發展趨勢,並蒐集國內外美容SPA 產業現況資訊,且依外 部環境之PEST 分析、產業內部之五力分析、個案經銷商之SWOT 分析及數位經銷商高階主 管之深度訪談分析後。本研究以美容SPA 產業之市場發展層面、發展策略層面、商品行銷層 面及政治法律層面等四個層面與商業模式、行銷模式、風險管理、服務管理、教育訓練及產 品研發等六項功能為基礎,針對前述五位美容SPA 產業之專家進行深度訪談並分析其訪談結 果。顯示在追求健康與養生的趨勢下,美容SPA 產業之產品以健康環保概念,天然有機認證, 藥學美容之生技產品為主軸。美容SPA 產業可配合芳香療法之五感整體療法。為因應E 時代 來臨,美容SPA 產業應善用數位平台行銷功能,可運用電商通路整合行銷商品,盡速建立美 容APP 運用軟體以打開壁壘界線,進行虛實整合以形成產業新價值鏈之商業模式,以創造其 更大經濟效益。美容SPA 產業應整合協同同業結盟,慎選異業結盟,創新其營收結構。本研 究透過密切掌握全球化的競爭趨勢,並以創新的經營管理思維,冀望能協助美容SPA 產業及 個案公司找到最適的發展策略與方向,以壯大美容SPA 產業之競爭力。


This study focuses on the future development trend of beauty SPA industry. The analysis is based on the PEST analysis of external environment, five forces analysis of internal industry, SWOT analysis of dealer K and in-depth interviews with senior executives of distributors. This study also is based on the four dimensions of market development, development strategy, product marketing, and political and legal aspects of the beauty SPA industry, and six functions including business models, marketing models, risk management, service management, education and training, and product development to conduct the in-depth interviews. The results indicate that under the trend of the pursuit of health care, the products of the beauty industry are primarily healthy and environmentally friendly, naturally organic certificated, cosmetic beauty and natural non-toxic biotechnology products. Beauty SPA industry can be combined with aromatherapy of five-sense overall holistic therapy. The reservation method of beauty SPA industry could avoid the problem of idle human resources. Beauty SPA practitioners also could further obtain INCI certification to comply with international norms, and transparently reveal the full composition table of the product with its high-quality goods sold to consumers without having to take their own risks. In response to the advent of the era E, beauty SPA industry should make good use of digital platform marketing functions and establish beauty APP application software. At the same time, the beauty SPA industry can also use the e-commerce channel to carry out the business model of clicks and mortar to create greater economic benefits. The beauty SPA industry should integrate alliances with its peers to develop new customers and to innovate their revenue structure. Finally, beauty SPA industry can grasp business opportunities of the preoperative skin care to better demonstrate its competitive advantage. Based on the results of this study, this research hopes to help the beauty SPA industry and individual companies to find the most suitable development strategies so as to enhance the competitiveness of the beauty SPA industry.
