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篇名 影響選擇住宿Airbnb因素之探討:自助旅行旅客觀點
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 Factors Influencing the Selection of Airbnb : From an Independent Tourisfs Perspective
作者 林宜親莊凱琮
頁次 033-050
關鍵字 Airbnb自助旅行旅客住宿選擇計晝行為理論independent touristlodging selectionTheory of Planned Behavior
出刊日期 201806


本研究藉由計晝行為理論瞭解影響自助旅行旅客選擇住宿Airbnb行為意圖之因 素。於2017年4月至7月以滚雪球方式抽樣進行施測,共計324份有效問卷。本研究 樣本以21至35歲未婚女性為居多,大多曾在一年内自助旅行。本研究結果顯示,影 響自助旅行旅客選擇住宿Airbnb行為意圖主要因素為,住宿體驗、主觀規範、知覺行 為控制、與住宿環境互動;其中以主觀規範對選擇住宿Airbnb影響最大,而住宿體驗 和住宿環境互動之態度因素影響較小。當選擇住宿Airbnb時,研究樣本較重視親朋好 友建議,其次是住宿地點方便性,而住宿特色體驗、認識新朋友等,則是較不重要之 因素;即住宿選擇Airbnb得到參考團體的支持和贊成是關鍵因素。


Based on the theory of planned behavior, the purposes of this study were to investigate the main factors influencing potential independent toursits5 behavioral intentions toward Airbnb. The questionnaires were distributed from April to July 2017 by using snowball sampling, and a total of 324 valid responses were obtained. Results showed that most respondents were single women between the ages of 21 and 35, and they have traveled by themselves in the past year. Results indicated that lodging experience, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and lodging environement and interaction are main factors which can affect trousits5 behavioral intentions toward Airbnb. Among these factors, subjective norm is the most influential factor, and attitudes related factors, lodging experience and lodging environment and interaction, are the less influential factors. That is, while selecting accommodations in terms of Airbnb, the recommendation of friends and relatives is the most important factor, and then the transporatation convience of Airbnb; however, attitdues toward loging experience and meeting new friends are less important factors. In other words, the key factor of influencing toursits5 behavioral intentions toward Airbnb is the support of refrence group.
