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篇名 電話客服人員工作壓力、休閒因應、休閒參與與生活品質之研究
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 The Study on the Relationships among Job Stress, Leisure Coping, Leisure Participation, and Quality of Life for Call Center Representatives
作者 陳建和許雅晴
頁次 051-072
關鍵字 電話客服人員工作壓力休閒因應休閒參與生活品質Call center representativeJob stressLeisure copingLeisure participationQuality of life
出刊日期 201806


本研究目的為探討電話客服人員工作壓力、休閒因應與生活品質之關係。採問卷調 查法,以立意取樣方法收集樣本,於2018年1月至2月發放400份問卷,回收有效問 卷300份,有效回收率77%,透過SPSS 22.0統計軟體進行敘述性統計、t檢定、變異 數分析、相關分析及逐步迴歸分析。研究結果顯示:不同性別對休閒參與呈顯著差異; 婚姻狀況對生活品質呈顯著差異;工作壓力、休閒因應與休閒參與對生活品質有顯著預 測力,意即工作壓力對生活品質有顯著負向影響;休閒因應對生活品質有顯著正向影響; 休閒參與對生活品質有顯著正向影響。 研究結果可提供給相關產業及後續研究參考,期許企業能減少員工工作壓力,避免 生活品質惡化,並增加休閒參與活動之機會,提升員工生活品質。


This study aims to explore the relationships between job stress, leisure coping and quality of life for call center representatives.A survey was used to collect data. Used purposive sampling method. 400 questionnaires were sent out and 300 valid questionnaires were collected with response rate 77%.SPSS 22.0 was used to descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, product-moment correlation and regression analysis.The result show that different gender had significant differences in leisure participation; marital status had significant differences in quality of life; job stress had significant negative effect on quality of life; leisure coping had significant positive effect on quality of life; leisure participation had significant positive effect on quality of life. The findings of this study can provide reference to related industries. It is hoped that these employees5 job stress can be reduced, to avoid the deterioration of their quality of life. Related industries can encourage employees’ leisure participation and improve their quality of life.
