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篇名 破除「語言」的詛咒:論王育德的台灣文學建構及其史觀
卷期 17
並列篇名 Breaking the Curse of “Language”: Ông Ik-tik’s Construction of Taiwan Literature and the Viewpoint of History
作者 呂美親
頁次 037-060
關鍵字 王育德台灣話語言殖民地文學台灣文學Ông Ik-tikTaiwaneselanguagecolonial literatureTaiwan literature
出刊日期 201804
DOI 10.6242/twnica.201804_(17).0002


王育德在1946 年發表的〈徬徨的台灣文學〉文中提出了「詛咒」的疑問,本論文 視此為他往後從事台灣話及台灣文學研究的原點,也是其嘗試重建台灣文學的立基點; 並由此論析其在台灣文學研究上的成就與他的台灣文學史觀。首先,本論文指出,王育 德的台灣話研究與台語文字的建構,不該只放在「語言」範疇來看,而可視為他重建台 灣文學所從事的奠基工作。第二,作為戰後首位在日本發表台灣文學研究論文的學者, 王育德的台灣文學研究成果,於台灣文學研究史上有著先驅性的意義,值得重新受到重 視與肯定。第三,王育德認為台灣文學受台灣複雜的歷史發展影響,有著獨特的文學史 流變。他提出清代即有台灣文學,而進入日本時代之後,它跟上世界文學的主流而呈現 反帝反封建的精神;戰後則延續此殖民地文學的精神,發展出與中國文學完全背道而馳 的文學面向。第四,王育德認為台灣文學的語言主體應該是台灣話;但他也提出即便以 日語或中國話書寫,甚至未來的語言環境更加複雜,只要作者具台灣意識,則無論使用 何種語言書寫,都是台灣文學。


“Irresolute Taiwan Literature” proposed by Ông Ik-tik in 1946 inquired about the presence of a “curse”. This treatise was regarded as the original focus for which the research on Taiwanese languages and Taiwan literature was carried out. First of all, the treatise indicates that Ông Ik-tik’s research on Taiwanese languages and the construction of Taiwanese words should not only be taken as a category of language, but also the foundation for rebuilding Taiwan literature. Second, as the first scholar issuing a treatise for researching Taiwan literature, Ông Ik-tik’s is seen as a pioneer for his research on Taiwan literary history; his research is worth re-evaluating and praising. Third, Ông Ik-tik considered that Taiwan literature has been influenced by its complicated historical development; therefore, it has possessed a unique evolution of literature history over time. He also mentioned that Taiwan literature had been around in the Ching Dynasty (1644-1911), and then embodied the spirits of anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism after entering the Japanese Colonial Period (1895-1945), keeping pace with the main stream of world literature. After World War II, Taiwan literature continued to embody the spirits of colonial literature and developed completely different trends compared with Chinese literature. Fourth, the main language of Taiwan literature, in Ông Ik-tik’s point of view, should be Taiwanese; however, he also mentioned that Taiwan literature can be written in Japanese, Chinese or other languages because the language environment may be more complicated in the future. The most important thing is that the writers have a true awareness of Taiwan.
