
華語文教學研究 THCI

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篇名 Relationships between Electrophysiological Correlates of First and Second Language Phonological Processing Skills and Second Language Word Reading Profi ciency in Late L2 Learners
卷期 15:2
並列篇名 英語學習者的中英文音韻處理大腦反應與英文字詞辨識表現之關聯性
作者 陳昱君
頁次 001-022
關鍵字 event-related potentials N450 rhyming effectphonological processingL2 proficiencylate L2 learners腦電波N450 押韻反應音韻處理第二語言能力 成人英語學習者THCI
出刊日期 201806




Research into the relationship between word reading skills and phonological processing in bilingual speakers have established that phonological processing skills in a person’s first language (L1) and second language (L2) are related. In addition, phonological awareness in the child’s L1 predicts the ability to learn to read new words in the child’s L2. However, whether the relationship is valid for late L2 learners who are not living in the L2 environment is not clear. The present study aims to investigate the neural basis of Chinese and English phonological sublexical processing in late English learners at different levels of proficiency. By taking the advantage of the event-related potential (ERP) technique, this study identifies the interactions among the brain responses to L1 and L2 rhyming sensitivity and the L2 word reading proficiency in late L2 learners. These significant correlations suggest that phonological awareness is a language-general form of linguistic knowledge and would support the L2 learning process.
