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篇名 探討芬蘭國家基本教育核心課程變革
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 Discussion and Reflection on the Reform of the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education in Finland
作者 于承平
頁次 001-026
關鍵字 核心課程基本教育現象為本學習研究為本師資培育社會資本core curriculumbasic educationphenomenon-based learningresearch-based teacher educationsocial capital
出刊日期 201808
DOI 10.3966/207136492018081102001




Based on the viewpoint that real-world issues cannot be adequately studied with subject-based curriculum alone, the goal of national core curriculum is to encourage students to explore realworld phenomena. Its purpose is to use functional methods to expand students’ life and world experience, to strengthen learning motivation, and make learning more meaningful. Through literature analysis and document analysis, this paper highlights the analysis of a number of issues focused on the contents and important changes of the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education in Finland, namely, phenomenon-based learning, and its’ corresponding researchbased teacher education. Four key success factors for the national core curriculum reform are offered: (a) Finnish educational goals are clear and carried out perseveringly, (b) Research– Based Teacher Education supports phenomenon-based learning, (c) Finnish special needs education supports the learning of low achievement students, and (d) Curriculum reform and teaching leadership build on social capital. It is suggested that in the development of curriculum reform and educational policies in Taiwan, one should consider the social and cultural contexts and local needs, as well as the above key success factors. In addition to what has been achieved already in Taiwan, hopefully this will help the development of innovative educational strategies and lead to higher internationally recognized status.
