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篇名 臺灣國民小學國語課本生字於心理語言學特性之研究
卷期 49:4
並列篇名 Psycholinguistic Properties of Chinese Characters in Primary School Corpora of Taiwan
作者 李孟峰蘇宜芬
頁次 637-662
關鍵字 視覺複雜性語音一致性語音規則性語義透明度Phonetic consistencyPhonetic regularitySemantic transparencyVisual complexityTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.6251/BEP.201806_49(4).0006


本研究將國民小學一至六年級的國語科教材,包括南一、康軒及翰林三種版本所列之生字作心理 語言學特性上的分析,包括字元種類、空間結構、視覺複雜性、聲旁語音規則性及一致性、聲旁 和部首家族數、部首語義透明度,以及獨立性和附著性部件等,並依過去實徵研究的結果檢視國 小國語科課本生字編排的適切性。整體而言,臺灣教育部審定的國小國語課本,相較於大陸及香 港的國小國語科教材,雖然呈現簡化字與正體字彼此間的特殊性,但生字編排方式仍屬適切。本 研究建立臺灣地區國小國語科教材的生字特性資料庫,這些生字特性的分析可供教師發展補救教 學教材之參考,也可做為未來研究者選取實驗材料之依據。近年來,無論是中文書寫系統或是拼 音文字系統皆有許多學者指出,認字能力的發展確實有助於閱讀理解能力的進步,可見認字能力 是閱讀理解歷程中非常重要的一環。不過,中文字與拼音文字之間於字元本身的結構、特性及使 用方面皆有很大的不同,本研究亦試圖回顧過去相關之中文字形音義方面的文獻,試著以統計角 度的觀點引導未來研究之可能路徑。


This study aims at analyzing the properties of the listed vocabularies which are included in three versions of current mandarin textbooks, Nan-Yi, Kang-Syuan and Han-Lin, for students in grade one to grade six. The psycholinguistic characteristics of vocabularies, including types of characters, spatial structure, visual complexity, phonetic regularity, phonetic consistency, semantic transparency, independent and bound components, as well as phonetic and semantic radical families, are carefully analyzed. In general, the elementary level mandarin textbooks validated by the Taiwanese Ministry of Education may display differences between the simplified and traditional characters, when compared to those used in China or Hong Kong. This study established a psycholinguistic property database of Chinese character for mandarin corpora used in Taiwanese elementary schools. This database can be a reference for both the mandarin textbook publishers and the instructors for developing remedial instruction materials. It is also a useful resource for future researchers to select experimental materials. To give examples, we suggested to investigate whether the Chinese character within the word wi ll automatically activate the network of neighborhood words sharing the character, and took a further investigation about whether the neighborhood words will affect the identification of the target Chinese characters, and whether the process of characters within the word has been involved in Chinese word recognition. Furthermore, Some educctional implications of this study are also discussed.
