
Journal of Applied English

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篇名 New Taiwanese Children: English Language Learning Strategies and their Family Background Factors
卷期 12
作者 Yu-Ju ChiuMin-Hsun Su
頁次 075-104
關鍵字 Language learning strategy New Taiwanese children Family background factors
出刊日期 201712



According to National Immigration Agency [NIA] (2016), more than 520,000 foreign brides and grooms have cross married in Taiwan from 1987 to 2016. Much research has been done in the past three decades. These trans-marriage families face different difficulties regarding life adjustment, language learning, social relationships and employment issues (Mon & Huang, 2016). In light of this situation, this study aims to explore the relationships of New Taiwanese Children5s family background factors and their English learning strategy use in Taoyuan City. A total of 143 New Taiwanese Children participated in this study, and Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) (Oxford, 1990) was employed as the major research instrument. Results showed that metacognitive strategies were the most frequently used strategies of the New Taiwanese Children, whereas cognitive strategies were reported as the least frequently used strategies. Parental occupations and the level of father’s education had no significant relationship with New Taiwanese children’ learning strategy use. However, it is important to note that the mother’s education attainment is significantly related to New Taiwanese students’ learning strategy use. These findings could provide empirical evidence to help language teachers and educators in Taiwan tailor the curriculum for the New Taiwanese Children. Finally, practical recommendations were further provided for future research.
