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篇名 閩浙臺島嶼漁民遷移的宗教觀察---以福建同安西柯村一支為例
卷期 20
並列篇名 View of the religion of Tongan fishermen who migrated from Fujian to Zhejiang and Taiwan
作者 安嘉芳
頁次 209-250
關鍵字 同安村漁山島富岡漁港如意娘娘Tongan villageYushan IslandsFugang fishing harborGoddess of Faith
出刊日期 201606


2008 年「石浦-富岡如意信俗」被中國大陸列為國家級非物質文化遺產,成為 “非遺”中唯一涵蓋海峽兩岸的民俗文化。如意娘娘信仰的形成,乃因浙江省寧波、 臺州、溫州沿海一帶,漁民祈求平安和魚貨豐收,尋求精神寄託所致,與媽祖信 仰有異曲同工之處;由福建同安移民至漁山島的漁民,採信如意信仰並揉合原鄉 的民俗宗教,在異地島嶼發展出新的宗教文化。1955 年的「大陳撤退」,漁山島的 漁民帶著島上的信仰,再次遷移至臺灣富岡漁港保存至今,並於2007 年起接連回 到石浦進行省親和宗教交流。 中國大陸關注這個個案,多從血脈相連、兩岸一家的角度切入,臺灣則多將 大陳義胞的生活變遷作為研究課題,本文的研究觀察則以為島嶼移民在新的時空 環境建立屬於自己的宗教信仰,宗教信仰才是這支移民的核心力量,日後的經濟 和歷史條件雖然影響移民社群的發展,但宗教的力量依然存在,甚至是凝聚向心 力的重要因素。


In 2008 the belief system of Ru-Yi in Shipu and Fugang was designated as a national intangible cultural heritage by China due to it being the only folk culture religion to be popular in both Taiwan and China. Mazu, the faith goddess is unique in localizing the beliefs of seafarers in Fujian and Zhejiang. More than a century ago fishermen of Tongan (Fujian) migrated to the Yushan Islands of Zhejiang where two folk beliefs merged to create a new religion for the migrant fishermen. In 1955 their decendents, with their new religion, once again migrated to the fishing village of Fugang in Taiwan due to the retreat from the Dachen archipelago. This paper examines the evolution of the faith of these migrants who accepted a new goddess from Zhejiang while retaining the old rituals from Fujian. In fact, a mysterious religious power is the core force of a religion that dominates their lives.
