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篇名 明代抗倭海戰詩敘事析論
卷期 21
並列篇名 Analysis of Narratives on Sea Battles against Japanese Pirates in Poems of the Ming Dynasty
作者 顏智英
頁次 039-086
關鍵字 明代數位人文海戰詩倭寇嘉靖敘事Ming Dynastydigital humanitiessea battling poemsJapanese piratesJiajingnarrative
出刊日期 201612


本文是科技部整合型計畫「明代海洋經理與敘事之數位人文研究:海戰詩」 之部分成果,乃針對以「倭寇」為他者的明代海戰詩所作的研究。先從「中國基 本古籍庫」數位資料庫,以倭寇、海戰相關的關鍵詞如:「倭」、「寇」、「虜」、「戰」、 「師」、「警」等,對明代詩歌的詩題與詩句進行檢索,再就檢索所得的明代詩歌 予以仔細判讀,篩選出較具代表的詩作約142 首進行分析。接著,再從「敘事」 的觀點,結合寫作背景來探討其分期(初期:洪武1368~正德1521,中期:嘉靖 1521~1566,晚期:隆慶1566~崇禎1644)書寫的特徵與特徵形成的原因,具體反 映了各期倭亂的實務與情境,可以作為其他三個子計畫的補充與印證之用;同時, 本文還從其書寫的視角發現:僅明代中期的海戰詩人兼採戰士與百姓視角;至於 明代初期、晚期的海戰詩人則僅採戰士視角。由本文分析,可以見出「嘉靖」倭 亂對百姓所造成的傷害最為嚴重,是海戰詩史中最令人不忍卒睹卻又不能忽略的 一道悲慘的風景。


This paper is a part of the report for the integrated research project of Ministry of Science and Technology: “The Digital Humanities Research on the Maritime Management and Narratives in Ming Dynasty: Sea Battling Poems” (104-2420-H-019-004). In compiling this work, 142 exemplary Ming poems were selected from the Database of Chinese Classic Ancient Books using keywords, including Japanese, pirates, Mongolia, battle, garrison and warning. The poems were further categorized and analyzed into three eras (Early Ming: Hongwu to Zhengde, 1368 - 1521; Mid-Ming: Jiajing 1521-1566 and Later Ming: LongQing to Chongzhen, 1566-1644), which were studied according to the relative perspective of their narratives. The characteristics of the text selected and the reason for such occurrences truthfully reflect the operation and conditions of wokou (Japanese pirate) raids at the time. These serve as reference documentation for three related projects. The paper also found that the sea battling poets in the mid-Ming used the unique perspective of both the warrior and the general people. Note that sea battling poets from the Early Ming to the Later Ming, focused chiefly on battling from the warrior’s perspective. These works profile the Jiajing wokou raids which incurred the greatest calamity to civilians. These prose add a heart-wrenching scene to the annals of sea battle history.
