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篇名 應用模糊分析於改善軍機維修服務品質滿意度之研究
卷期 7:2
並列篇名 Applying Fuzzy Analysis to improve the Satisfaction of Service Quality for Military Aircraft Maintenance
作者 巫沛倉廖紫柔陳怡寧
頁次 124-133
關鍵字 軍機維修PZB 模式服務品質滿意度模糊理論Military Aircraft MaintenancePZB ModelSatisfaction of Service QualityFuzzy Theory
出刊日期 201809
DOI 10.6285/MIC.201809_7(2).0010


2012 年以來至2018 年2 月,台灣約發生10 件重大飛安事故,其中民航事故5 件,造成約近百人的傷亡,另外軍方空航事故亦5 件,包括2014 年陸軍阿帕契808 號機墜機,2016 年空軍F-16 戰鬥機墜毀,及2017 年幻象單座機失聯等重大事故, 飛航人才與重要戰備損失慘重。雖然政府與民間皆致力於推動零失事的飛航安全為 首要,由於科技進展的快速,致使飛機模組的複雜度日益提高,也導致維修工作的 要求越來越艱澀複雜。 本研究以Parasurama, Zeithmal & Berry(1985, 1988)所提出之PZB 五大服務品質 構面--有形性、可靠性、反應性、保證性、關懷性,以及SERVQUAL 量表作為決策 評估準則之問卷設計,進行問卷調查之實證分析;並利用模糊理論(Fuzzy Theory)的 模糊數、模糊權重計算、解模糊化取得各項服務品質評估準則之衡量,進行評估國 軍某軍機維修服務單位之維修服務品質滿意度之評鑑,並比較飛機主體結構、發動 機系統、航電裝備系統、軍械武器系統等四類軍機維修任務系統的服務品質滿意度 之差異,以此提供軍機維修服務改善之依據。 對於PZB 模式的五個評量項目,四類軍機維修任務系統的整體五大服務品質滿 意度雖大致相同,但整體滿意度卻都不高;此外,一一比較四類軍機維修任務系統 中個別的五大服務品質滿意度發現,可靠度的滿意度在四類軍機維修任務系統皆是 最高,其次皆為保證性與有形性,反應性與關懷性的滿意度則都是最低。整體而言, 負責四類軍機維修任務系統的單位需要加強提供服務的意願和敏捷度,以及與使用 者的聯繫、溝通與瞭解等個別服務和關懷。最後提出對後續研究之建議與研究之結 論以供相關業界參考。


In light of increased incidence of aviation accidents in recent years, the government has demanded all domestic aviation companies, police departments, and national forces to prioritize aviation safety to safeguard the lives and properties of domestic people.However, the rapid advancement of technology has increased the complication of aircraft maintenance becomes more complicated than before. This study developed a research framework based on the service quality constructs, namely tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy, as well as SERVQUAL proposed by Parasuraman, Zeithmal, & Berry (1985; 1988), to investigate the satisfaction of service quality on military aircraft maintenance. Also, the Fuzzy theory is further applied to obtain the weight of each criterion and evaluate the service quality of maintenance. The research result shows that no differences on service quality exist at the four types of maintenance tasks, and the overall satisfaction of service quality is not high at each type of maintenance task. To compare the satisfaction towards each service quality at the four types of maintenance tasks, it was found that all the four bus companies have received higher satisfaction on reliability, then assurance and tangibles, and finally lower satisfaction on responsiveness and empathy which should be improved by increasing willingness of service, communication, and individual service. A discussion for further research and suggestions for bus companies are given as references.

