
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 企業政治連結的兩難
卷期 20:3
並列篇名 The Dilemma of Firms5 Political Ties A Study on Chi-Mei Corporation’s Political Strategies in China and Taiwan
作者 董夢杭吳學良李振宇鄭伯壎
頁次 004-029
關鍵字 政治連結政治策略雙元正當性political tiespolitical strategydual legitimacyTSSCI
出刊日期 201809
DOI 10.3966/199582342018092003001


企業的政治連結是賣務界與學界長期 關注的議題,以往研究多認為政治連結有 助於獲取外部資源,是企業的一筆資產; 然而,若將其置於追求國際化或跨域情境 時,則不見得如此,尤其當企業跨足之經 營場域有政治制度衝突時。本研究藉由對 目標公司的長期觀察,檢視其於原經營場 域所形成的政治連結連動影響子公司在政 治衝突場域中發展的想法。本研究亦展示 了企業可藉由一系列舉措逐步消弭子公司 因母公司政治連結而帶來的負面影響。此 外,企業也可藉由經濟支持、社會關懷、 認知強化策略,強化與子公司所在地政府 的政治連結、修補與原經營場域政府的關 係,進而追求其在政治對立經營場域中的 雙元正當性。


The literature of corporate political activity views a firm's political ties as an important asset, helping to access to external resources. However, when a firm operates in multiple markets with competing institutions, its efforts on developing political ties with different institutions are in a dilemma; that is, its political ties in the home market may become a political liability in an overseas market due to institutional conflict, and vice versa. As few studies so far address how to cope with the cross-institutional conflict, this paper, based on the case study of Chi-Mei Corporation, aims to show how a MNC strategizes upon the cross-institutional conflict between China and Taiwan, and successfiilly achieves the dual legitimacy.
