
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 台灣中小企業進入新興市場 之商業模式初探 以印尼為例
卷期 20:3
並列篇名 Explore the Business Models for Taiwan’s SMEs in Entering an Emerging Market The Case of Indonesia
作者 羅顯辰許文靜吳清炎胡美智
頁次 056-077
關鍵字 中小企業台灣印尼商業模式新興市場small and medium-sized enterprisesTaiwanIndonesiabusiness modelemerging marketTSSCI
出刊日期 201809
DOI 10.3966/199582342018092003003


本研究以紮根理論研究方法為依據, 並以二階段方式探討台商進入東協新興市 場的商業模式:第一階段以相關文獻理論 及次級資料蒐集歸納分析整理為主,形成 研究範疇及架構;第二階段則以印尼為主 要驗證對象,訪談印尼市場相關專家的論 點以做為架構論證基礎。並提出台灣中小 企業在資源有限但彈性十足的條件下,進 入如印尼等東協新興市場的四種商業模 式:(1)「借力使力」•利用台灣介於印尼 與先進國家的「中介優勢」建立連結平 台,聚焦與國際或當地領導企業資源能力 互補之利基,成為國際領導企業在印尼的 重要夥伴:(2)「落地生根」,透過已進入 印尼市場經營的台商為網絡平台,協助台 商「就地升級,轉型」,並連結發展當地 商機;(3)「播種深耕」,以畢業於台灣各 大學的印尼校友及台灣蓬勃發展的社會企 業為媒介,建立在印尼的國際連結與當地 商機;(4)「循序漸進」,透過政府建立長 期的雙邊合作平台,連結印尼的社會關係 網絡與關鍵人才,儲備雙邊的產業知識並 探詢合作機會。本研究最終歸納出三點重 要政策及管理意涵。


Based on the grounded theory, this paper explores the business model of entering the emerging market for Taiwanese SMEs by a two-stage approach. The first stag-e is based on the collection and inductive analysis of related literature theory and the secondary data in order to form the research framework. The second stage is based on this framework to explore the possible business model for Taiwan^ SMEs in entering an emerging market through interviewing the experts related to the Indonesia5 s market. Finally, we suggest four business models: (1) Dot connecting strategy, be-coming a key partner of international leading manufacturers in Indonesia by focusing on the niche complementary to the resources of international manufacturers through the “intermediary advantage” platform between Indonesia and the advanced countri_ es. (2) Revival strategy, linking and assisting the Taiwanese companies who have entered the traditional industries in Indonesia to upgrade/transform while developing local business opportunities through them. (3) Seed breeding strategy, connecting In-donesian alumni and Taiwanese social enterprises from Taiwan universities to link the networking and local business opportunities in Indonesia. (4) Bricolage strategy, establishing a long-term bilateral platform to connect the ASEAN network resource a Doctoral Candidate, Institute of Technology Management, National Tsing Hua University, E-mail: lohsienchen. eric@gmail.com b Post-Doctoral Researcher, Institute of Technology Management, National Tsing Hua University, Corresponding Author, E-mail: hsu.wenching@gmail.com C Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Technology Management, National Taiwan University of Science & Technology, E-mail: cywu@mail.ntust.edu.tw d Professor,Institute of Technology Management,National Tsing Hua University, E-mail: mchu@mx.nthu.edu.tw 76 Explore the Business Models for Taiwan’s SMEs in Entering an Emerging Market: The Case of Indonesia Industry Manai Forum 1 agement and think tank, in order to build the bilateral industry knowledge and the development of cooperation opportunities to achieve a successful and bilateral cooperation.
