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篇名 論社區營造休閒遊憩之研究-以台灣雲林縣古坑鄉棋盤社區為例
卷期 34:1
並列篇名 Study on a Case WhatLeisure and Recreaction They may be Applied from Ci-Pang Community, Yunlin County in Taiwan
作者 郭漢鍠阮炳嵐蔡吉祥傅志雄
頁次 053-064
關鍵字 營造紮根活化休憩永續發展與經營leisurerecreactioncommunitysustainable development
出刊日期 201803


藉由文獻整理休閒農業旅遊、鄉村旅遊與生態旅遊間異同之論述與比較解析,也透過對於棋盤社區 深入人文之觀察與訪談,並整理之而以SWOT 分析發現營造社區休憩可以利用下列途徑達成及其永續經 營的方向: 1.社區透過公部門有計畫施行農村再生厚植人力之經營,此一方則形塑社區特有之人文而改善人與環 境間關係,內化人力紮根活化暨有助當地產業推廣,進而形成社區以休憩為品牌的經營策略,不再只侷 限農再發展三生「生活、生產、生態」的範疇,跳脫既有的框架並結合休憩必需之元素而提供農村社區 更多元的潛能與發展。 2.透過解析式的解構與建構模式,瞭解社區與休憩的連結,再配合社區人事地物產,經建立資訊透明 社區組織與運作,整合內部意見、授權與共識,以此透明的機制下才能減少阻礙而提升社區執行效率; 屆時有效統籌社區內各項休憩資源,鏈結社區各資源(人文地景產)而成系統性,方能達成永續經營之必要 條件。 3.透過休憩資源之普查,進而建立社區廣義環境資訊,透過規劃社區及週邊相關休憩資源之策略,勾 勒棋盤社區發展休憩之未來願景與面貌,同時以解說棋盤區域另類互補性而行銷社區休憩發展的特色。 總之:訪查與分析休憩資源特性,即探索棋盤農村社區之人、文、地、景、產之各類生態,由研究 論述分析因子間的關係,其社區的特性不僅可為發展生態旅遊之遊憩活動、農村旅遊或休閒農村旅遊之 參考,而是結合特質與實務發展更精緻不同層次的休閒遊憩,如此才能建構社區永續發展與經營的基石。


Leisure & recreaction of the community wasnot only an experience or activity for getting close to its nature,but also it provides to enjoy for visitors’spirit and attract for their coming. Whatever the recreaction was just confined to explore the target nature of the community, it included its people, culture, geography, scenery and local products. The purpose of this study was to discuss the conception of sustainable development for Ci-Pan community in Gukeng Township. This research adopted a qualitative data analysis, including community observation, interview data collection, community resources investigation, relative literature compared, the aim was to find out the objective development fromCi-Pan community characters. The discovery of this study was listed as follows: (1)By passing through the manpower training plan of rural rejuvenation project to establish good way for local leisure, it could help the community to enhance their humanities, improve their environment, activate local industry, and protect their ecology of community. (2) Through SWOT analysis, the resulttold us the leisure will come to satisfy the coming visitors with the process from cultivating the natural ideology of the community habitant. (3) To find out all ways to develop what performance it took place in community, it would be applied by deconstruction of the nature of the visitor.
