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篇名 《明史紀事本末〃仁宣致治》校註
卷期 38
並列篇名 Annotation and Textual Criticism to the Chapter “ Toward the Pax Sinica in the Reign of Emperors of Ren and Xuan(仁宣致治)” in Ming shi ji shi ben mo(明 史紀事本末)
作者 徐泓
頁次 095-174
關鍵字 明史紀事本末仁宣致治明仁宗實錄明宣宗實錄石匱書三朝聖諭錄Ming shi ji shi ben mooward the Pax Sinica of Emperors of Ren and XuanVeritable Records of the MingTHCI
出刊日期 201806


本文逐條校讀《明史紀事本末.仁宣致治》的文本,註出其可能的史 源,並以史源校正文本之訛誤。並以校注結果,兼談作者的編纂水平 與史學。今尋其史源,除兩條有關義民的記錄外,均有著落。最主要 的引用史源是《明仁宗實錄》、《明宣宗實錄》、《石匱書》、《國 榷》、《皇明大政記》和《三朝聖諭錄》。而以《實錄》為大宗,138 條記事中的104 條以之為史源,而且諸書記載或文字有出入時,編者 記事多以《實錄》為斷。另外,發現編者疏忽應予校正之處:(1)日期 錯置8 處。(2)文字錯誤11 處。(3) 敘事不周6 處。(4)點校本句讀值得 商榷1 處。


This is an annotated version of the chapter -“ Toward the Pax Sinica of Emperors of Ren and Xuan(仁宣致治) ” in Ming shi ji shi ben mo (明史紀事本末). The purpose of this paper is to trace the primary sources on which the author based. It suggests that the author mainly used Veritable Records of the Ming (Ming shi lu 明 實錄) as his primary source. In order to revise the text, a textual criticism is made in accordance with Veritable Records of the Ming and other sources.
