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篇名 In between: Wei Te-sheng’s cinematic presentations of “Japan” and the predicaments of Taiwanese subjectivity
卷期 19
並列篇名 進退之間:魏德聖電影中的「日本」映像和台灣主體的難題
作者 林佳芳
頁次 001-022
關鍵字 Cape No. 7Seediq BaleWei Te-shengPost-colonialismTaiwan subjectivity「海角七號」「賽德克巴萊」魏德聖後殖民台灣主體
出刊日期 201608




Drawing on Wei Te-sheng's Cape No. 7 (2008), Seediq Bale: Warrior of the Rainbow (2011) and the paratexts that bourgeoned around the films as my analytical text, this paper intends to study Taiwan's younger generation,s treatment of its colonial memories and national identification, despite having only second-hand experience with the past. The first part of the article discusses the intertwined and inseparable discourses of Chinese nationalism and Japanese colonialism. The second part accounts for the liminal, work-in-progress status the characters, development and actions seem to linger in, consciously or unconsciously reflecting the status of Taiwan,s (non) nationhood. This article examines the cinematic presentation of “Japan” and the possibility of commencing a process of self-decolonization from the margins.
