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篇名 探析宋人的金石研究
卷期 19
並列篇名 Exploration of the Antique research by the Sung literati
作者 邱世芬
頁次 049-066
關鍵字 宋代金石筆記Sung Dynastyantiquebiji
出刊日期 201608


宋代收藏風氣大熾,多數文人收藏古器,或記錄形識、加以定名,或 據以證經補史, 或品評鑑賞,對於金石兼有研究與鑑賞兩方面的興味。這 些紀錄有的散見於文人筆記中,文人兼史學家者們進而創立了金石學,當 世名儒多投身其中,對金石銘文作系統性的蒐集、整理、研究,並撰作具 有一定的科學價值與歷史意義、對後學影響深遠的金石專著。本文探討宋 代文人研究金石的風氣,析論宋代金石研究的專著,並從筆記紀錄探究文 人對古器物的收藏與品鑑,了解宋人研究金石的目的與成就。


The trend of collecting antiques in Sung Dynasty was majorly led by the literati. The activities included categorizing objects through naming as well as correlating them with history and records. Certainly, the appreciation and ranking complete the interest from all aspects. These records are widely found in the notes created by literati. They were acting as historians and had created the epigraphy. Most of the big names did not absent from the work upon the systematic collection and research of the antiques and lead to master piece monograph with valuable scientific and historical values significantly influent the following epigraphy scholars. This article discuss the ethos of epigraphy study in Song Dynasty, Analysis of the Song Dynasty epigraphy research monograph,and explore the literati’s activities of antique collection and appreciation through their biji (miscellaneous notes),to understand the purpose and achievements of the Song Dynasty epigraphy study.
