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篇名 Teaching Rhetorically: The Role of Rhetoric as a Strategy of Identification in ESL
卷期 19
並列篇名 修辭教學:在英語文教學中修辭策略對提升學生語言認同之功效
作者 谷永誠
頁次 087-104
關鍵字 SLArhetoricKenneth BurkeidentificationpedagogycultureSLA修辭學Kenneth Burke認同訓育文化
出刊日期 201608


本文認為,擴大我們的 ESL 教學語言和文化的認同在學習動機中發 揮作用的寫作運用的理解。對比寫作領域內探討了文化會如何影響語言產 生。跨文化交際領域同樣強調了文化和通信之間的連接。學者,如 Dörnyei 注意到學生學習語言動機的因素是依照是否認同這種語言。從我們了解學 生的學習動機聯繫第二語言的文化跟學生對第二外語文化的認同,本文認 為修辭,闡明由 Kenneth Burke,可以 明教師發展基於辨識的動機策略。伯 克的概念的修辭作為組成的認同感在觀眾中的行為提供了一個有用的框架 分類策略可能使用不同的受眾,即班.


This paper argues for expanding our understanding of the use of rhetoric in ESL pedagogy in relation to the role that linguistic and cultural identification play in learner motivation. The field of Contrastive Rhetoric has examined the influence culture has upon linguistic production. The field of intercultural communication likewise highlights the connection between culture and communication. Scholars such as Dörnyei note that one factor in a student's motivation is whether that student identifies with the language. Knowing that students' motivation is linked to the degree to which they identify with the language or cultural aspects of the language, this paper argues that rhetoric, as articulated by Kenneth Burke, can help instructors develop motivational strategies based on identification. Burke's notion of rhetoric as consisting of acts of identification among an audience offers a useful frame for categorizing what strategies might work with different audiences, i.e. classes.
