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篇名 大專青年與農村的對話-以2014大專生洄游農村競賽之李子園駐村團隊為例
卷期 19
並列篇名 Conversations with College Youth in Rural Areas – A Case Study of the Lizuyuan Team’s Entry for the 2014 “Touch Rural Village – How Touching” Contest
作者 涂卉呂芝華
頁次 105-120
關鍵字 農村再生大專生洄游計畫社區參與創意行動rural renewal“Touch Rural Village – How Touching”community participationcreative action
出刊日期 201608




The trends of urbanization and commercial development in 21st century Taiwan has led people to migrate to urban areas seeking better opportunities. Rural areas therefore have lost the vast majority of their younger members; what remains is mostly an aging population. These rural villages suffer continuing recessions and lack of input and attention from authorities. Therefore, authorities were urged to implement new programs for improving rural renewal. In addition to the rural renewal master plan of 2011, a plan aimed at encouraging college-aged youth to move to rural areas was promoted concomitantly. As part of this The Taiwan government’s Soil and Water Conservation Bureau held a contest in 2014, titled “Touch Rural Village – How Touching.” Six sophomores from Hung Kuang University’s Department of Cultural and Creative Industries participated. These students did not adopt the conventional community development model, but employed an alternative based on their non-spatial training background to determine a new developmental axis and target for reactivating the relationship between people and the village environment. This report illustrates the targets, processes, and results of “Touch Rural Village – How Touching”. The observations and conversations from this differential procedure are expected to provide innovative concepts and generate a future integrative application, which will contribute to a premised conversation in terms of creative design solutions and strategies.
