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篇名 父權或平權的展現:台灣六、七十年代出生的夫妻家庭決策權之研究
卷期 19
並列篇名 Paternity? or Affirmative? ---A Case of the Couple’s Family Decision-Making Power Was Born in Sixtieth and Seventieth Generation in Taiwan
頁次 121-146
關鍵字 文化規範家庭決策相對資源資源論cultural normsfamily decision-makingrelative resourcestheory of resources in cultural context
出刊日期 201608


台灣透過一連串的經改,造就60、70年代的經濟奇蹟,也帶動社會文 化的變遷。本研究目的欲探討在此年代出生的夫妻其家庭決策的特色、相 對資源與文化規範對家庭決策權的影響及面對決策結果的調適之道。研究 者採訪談導引法,邀請三對不同教育程度、職業的大家庭夫妻進行訪談, 使用主題分析法分析訪談資料。研究者先呈現每對夫妻的家庭決策經驗, 歸納家庭決策的特色為「夫主導經濟權、妻主導照養權」、「性別平權文 化影響協商的主觀相對資源」、「重視孝親顧子的傳統父權文化」、「以 人情世故來面對決策結果的遺憾和抱怨」。並進一步就其結果進行討論, 包含「傳統父權文化透過意義解構,予以接受」、「性別平權文化使妻握 有較多相對資源,自願承擔較多的家務」、「工作對女性的必要性和重要 性」。 最後針對夫妻的婚姻關係、家庭教育者和輔導人員,提出實務以及 未來研究的建議。


From the series economic revolution it caused the miracle in sixtieth and seventieth generation, and social cultural change. The purpose of the study was to explore culture norms affected the relationship between the relative resource and family decision-making power for those couples born sixtieth and seventieth generation in Taiwan. Qualitative research was applied in the study. Three couples who had different education degree and career were middle-class extended family were invited. Thematic analysis was applied to analysis the data. The result was to describe three couples' family decision experience. The characteristic of the family decision was that husband had the economic decision power and wife had the cared decision power, culture norms affected the subject relative resources in consult, and adjusted to complain after the decision. The result was discussed that included traditional paternity culture was accepted by meaning deconstruction, affirmative culture let wife own relative resources more, and willingly to make housework for getting more decision-making power, and the jobs was necessary and important for wife. Suggestions were offered to the couples' relationship, family educators and counselors, and the future study.
