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篇名 南朝官學體制與經學發展之關係
卷期 20
並列篇名 The Relations between Public School System and the Development of Confucius Studies
作者 洪銘吉李文琪
頁次 001-030
關鍵字 南朝官學經學三禮五禮儀注Southern DynastiesPublic SchoolThree CeremoniesThe Annotation of Five Ceremonies
出刊日期 201706




The Southern Dynasties refer to Song, Qi, Liang and Chen Dynasties, started from the year Yongchu 1(AD386), ended up at Zhenmin3 (AD589), 179 years in total. The establishment of the public school in Southern Dynasties and the development of the Confucius studies were influenced by many elements, such as the founding of the public school system. It inherited the way the Emperor Hui of Jin Dynasty divided Guozixue and Taixue, formalized taking the offspring of the upper noble as the ones to be educated in Guozixue. Taixue, on the other hand, took the offspring of lower level officials and gentries. Provincial government then, had their own school systems. To recruit impoverished intellects, the Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty established Shilinguanxue to teach them the “Five Classics” annotated by the emperor himself, made it the official teaching material and testing subjects. Since the Liusong Dynasty, the government had always wanted to revise “The Annotation of Five Ceremonies”, yet it was not until the governance of the Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty did the masterpiece get finished. And the “Five Classics” was still taken as the main teaching material of public school system. The public school system in the following dynasties, Sui and Tang, was inevitably influenced by the public school system and the development of classical studies in the two-hundred-year long Southern Dynasties. Therefore, the purpose of the thesis is to find out the distinguishing features of the establishment of public school system in Southern Dynasties through thorough analysis on the establishment of Guanxue and writings related to classics. After further understanding toward the outline of Guanxue, then discuss its influence on the public school system in Sui, Tang Dynasties.
