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篇名 褒姒傳說與周幽王覆滅考辯──兼論《詩經》繫連文史之功用
卷期 20
並列篇名 BaoSi Legend and Demise of the Western Zhou Dynasty ——Concurrently Discuss on Ballads’ function between Literary and Historical Preservation by studying "the book of songs"
作者 黃旭
頁次 031-054
關鍵字 褒姒周幽王《詩經》歌謠先秦BaoSiKing Zhouyouwangthe book of songsPre Qin
出刊日期 201706




This article only based on those historical materiel describes BaoSi Legend and demise of the Western Zhou Dynasty, by analyzing the traditional historical records and chapters involved in the events and characters in "The Book of Songs", basically dealt with in historical reality and cultural symbols. Finally, the article discussed on ballads’ function between literary and historical preservation, which revealing two different research directions: one is called "The literary-history", which took the images of bows and arms (弓箭意象) as an example. The other is called "The historical-literature", which got two conclusions: Ballads can elaborate and supplement insufficient information in history, and may lead to the misinterpretation for historical facts, which should be carefully used.
