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篇名 「事實上」和「基本上」的篇章功能
卷期 20
並列篇名 Discourse Function of ‘Shìshíshàng’ and ‘Jīběnshàng’
作者 吳佳樺
頁次 055-076
關鍵字 篇章副詞語用功能順接和逆接副詞客觀與主觀評論反預 期教學語法Discourse function of adverbial phrasesadverbs showing generally speaking and contradictionobjective and subjective commentsnot anticipatorygrammar teaching
出刊日期 201706




In this paper, we consider shìshíshàng(事實上) and jīběnshàng(基本上) as adverbial phrases based on the grammaticalization of suffix -shang(上), which is different from the nominal phrase ‘N+shang’. Furthermore, through the discussion of discourse data, we found out jīběnshàng usually plays an objective role to connect or conclude discourse, based on the premise of a general situation; on the contrary, shìshíshàng usually plays a contradictory role ahead a paragraph or sentence to clarify the truth unexpected. The purpose of this paper aims to help learners of Chinese with those similar patterns in the usage of discourse.
